Untitled Page 213




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The second was more successful and the third a lovely white loaf cake. Mrs. J's was fruit with white. The Johnson's did not expect to be here as they had been invited up to the city. But it rained so hard and trains and busses were so irregular they did not get off. We had some straightening up to do after the party and then took some lemon ice and cake to Miss Thompson, to Nora Schopbach, who could not come, Grace Luce who is sick at Maripora Hall.

We came home to dress for dinner which was two o'clock and to which Nellie wore her blue and I my brown silk. We had a very excellent dinner and quite agreeable party. Reading Mary Wilkin's stories, eating, listening to Mrs. Smith sing and to Edward Lear's nonsense rhymes passed the rest of the time till 9:30 and we retired soon after.

Saturday afternoon, Professor and Mrs. Smith, Miss Mosher, Mr.Keating and I took a walk to Mayfield. All morning there had been a regular howling tempest and it had not abated but we thought it would be fun. The other two ladies had rubber boots but I high rubbers and leggings. We had not been gone five minutes when it ceased raining and soon the sun shone and it did not rain any more till night. We bought candy, rubbers, toys, etc. at Mayfield and Mr. K. and I came home by the Park for Holly. To make lemon ice and give a party after that made me a little tired, but I can do a good deal when I want to.

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