Bartlett letters



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[notation: PostCard1 Dec24 '05]

been a rush to make it. Good-bye til - Fri A. M. Love to everybody Babe

[image: black and white photo university buildings and grounds] 5082 GENERAL VIEW OF STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA

Worst exes over - those today were fierce but maybe I skinned thru. Was up til last night but expect to get to bed sort of decent tonight. Have that ex in Lat 32 tomorrow. Leave tomorrow night. My, but it has


Last edit 3 days ago by kennedysharp1
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[modern notation PostCard 1b Dec24, '05]


Mrs. Chas G. Bartlett Ventura California

[preprinted] THIS SIDE FOR THE ADDRESS [preprinted/] [stamp] Stanford University CAL. 20 3 PM 1905 [stamp] Ventura Rec'd Dec 24 9 am 1905 [stamp] 1 US cent, green, Benjamin Franklin

Last edit 3 days ago by kennedysharp1
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[modern notation: PostCard2 Mar.27, '06]

before vacation. Will be glad for a little rest however - my eyes are painfully tired, have been reading so steadily. You folks are awfully [good?] to write to me when I don't write to you. Expect to have time some day. Love to all Babe

[image: black and white photograph, large architectural arch with sculptural frieze]

[preprinted] Memorial Arch, Stanford University, Cal. [/preprinted]

Tues A. M.

Have 2 exes tomorrow & 2 Thurs. Flora asked me to come to the city to see "Camille". Guess I'll go up Sat A. M. & stay til Sun night. Thurs. night is the Junior dance. No, I am not coming home next week - will stay here & do some work. I can't possibly get in

Last edit about 1 year ago by tur11ngery
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[modern notation: PostCard2b Mar. 27, '06]

[preprinted] POST CARD ("POSTAL CARD - CARTE POSTALE") [/preprinted]

[postal cancellations] PALO ALTO MAR 27 6-30P 1906 CAL.

VENTU[illegible] MAR 28 11 AM 1906 REC'D.

STANFORD UNIVERSITY MAR 27 3 PM 1906 CAL [/postal cancellations]

[image: green postage stamp, United States 1 cent, Ben Franklin]

Mrs. Chas. G. Bartlett Ventura California

[preprinted at side] M. Rieder, Publ., Los Angeles, Cal. and Dresden. No. 6105 [/preprinted at side]

Last edit over 1 year ago by zliu
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[modern notation: PostCard3 Mar. 31, '06]

[image: black and white photographic print of a tall tree, a bridge, and a stream]

[preprinted] Palo Alto Tree, Palo Alto, Cal. [/preprinted]

Well this is the A.M. I go to the city - & such a day - raining & blowing to beat the ears but its up to me to go. I wouldn't disappoint Flora for anything. Say will you get that perscription filled for the salve for my eyes that Dr. Rogers gave me. I think it will do them good the lids are a little granulated again but I'll rest them a while & they'll be alright. Have just been studying too steadily for a week or so. Don't worry about them because they're all right. Just an ounce of prevention. M. J. B.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Jannyp
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