Untitled Page 3
Saturday October 14, 1893
"It rains and the day is
dark and dreary."
Cold Rain.
Mr. Jones, Bert Adams and
Will. Southam each take a
load of goods to Berea.
I am pulled out of Berea
switch and started at 8 P.M.
Train consists of Engine,
my car and caboos.
Stop at nearly all stations to take on cars.
Jim somewhat nervous.
Sunday Oct. 15, 1893
Arrive at Millberry at 8 A.M.
Sand very level and rich.
Arrive in Toledo at 9 A.M.
Morning cloudy.
Leave Toledo 10:30 A.M.
[Senace?] Junction 2:30.
I begin to read Hawthorne
House of Seven Gables.
Sand very rolling and
Continued cloudy.
October 16, 1893
The morning is clear and
Transfer our goods to
the Santa Fe car.
Load part of Uncle
Henry's goods.
Tuesday, Oct. 17, 1893
Finish loading the Santa
Fe car.
I buy a bedroom set
for $20, an extension table
8 ft. long for $5.60 and
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