Untitled Page 252
My beloved darling,
Sure was fun to find this card in Freiburg and get a chance to send back to you some of the pleasure your cards have brought to me. Don't take the picture too seriously- I've been getting plenty of sleep, and just kissing off the studying! But take the message very seriously, for I do miss you very, very much, so I've said once or twice before. And note the lovely baby blue polka dotted federdeckers- just our style!
My mailbox was full again today, with a letter from Mom (including about half of the sports section of the chronicle- all abou the Olympics) and one from Marcia (they're leaving Milan for Spain today); nbut best of all of course was a letter from my sweetheart! As to your question, I think Mis. Spindler is considerable, though I haven't seen her for 3 or 4 days. She's been down to several meals, and I think has had the miscarriage (such is the rumor anyways) so that the precarious situation is over.
The weather outside today is really something - there are several big thick storm clouds, with lots of bright blue sky in between- sort of winter and spring together again. The sun falls in patches on the valley below and spotlights different little towns, with it's ligh reflecting off white walls like mirros. And on the bushes just outside my windo are the first tiny white puff-butts of spring- it's just beginning to peck through. I really find it quite thrilling to watch the new life slowly can unfold. We'll see just a little in the next week and then when we get back in April it will really be a burst of color. Local people say the valley is just white with cherry blossoms! I really love being so close to the earth and the vigor and inner power of nature, more than realized before. That's something we'll often share in coming years, darlking, for I know somehow that you too are "down to earth" in this same way. Your letter about your faith suggested it too.
Darling, your comment about being "kind of hurt" to my mentioning sometimes walking hand in hand with MAC- I understand your feelings better now , my love, than when I wrote. MAC and I are aware of the problem too- we've talked about some as I said before. And through conversation with her and thinking on my own and by your letter, my ideas are deepend I think. I'm really very sorry for the hurt I brought you, darling, because you are the most precious thing in the world to me, in fact you are a very big part of me, and I don't even want you to be hurt or sad as long as I can help it (gosh my thoughts are going so fast, and are so scrambled up, that I just can't keep up with them) I was trying to do something important in that other letter - giv eyou an honest, full picture of the way I'm living and thinking and feeling over here- and one part of that is certainly my close friendship with MAC. For we are more than just accidentaly traveling companies- we find each other's company easy and comfortable, and we can talk to each other- this is very important, at least to me. She doesn't mind talking about you and me (or rather listening to me talk mostly) and I can "day dream" outloud, and I can do the same for her and Bob, and also I can talk to her about problems here on the Burg- the tensions involved in the very close living and we sort of air gripes to each other where no one else will find out. And you know darling, that I take criticism or personal reaction pretty close to heart, and I have to be able to talk myself back into
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