Untitled Page 261




Status: Complete

My dearest darling-
Well, this will have to be the last one from here for awhile. feel sort of like I'm stepping out into 3 weeks of darkness- with only the comfort of our love and the letters I'll get on the way to keep me tied to the world I know and the ones I love, especially you! Another case of cutting up roots again. But it should be a fascinating experience nonetheless, and though we'll often be tired and dismal, I think it's about the best kind we could take. And I'll write you fairly regularly (like once a day!) to take you along with me sweet heart. And each night you're void in my dreams. So don't feel lost and alone, my love, and don;t reac out your hand in vain. Just remember, I love you with all the depth of my soul, I need you above anything else, and my love goes out to protect and comfort you when you feel sad, and to laugh with you when you're happy.

Sorry I didn't write this A.M. but I just didn't have time. We left right after breakfast for Stuttgart to run errands neccessary before a trip. I didn't get back up here until 3:30 and then just washed clothes and wrote a little anthro until dinner. Since dinner I've finished the anthro (to be recopied tomorrow, sent on to you from Mom) and written my folks. Tomorrow I've got to pack too- so it's still pretty busy to get away in good order.

Oh- the election - I lost as predicted- and am very honestly not broken up about it

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