Kohlmann letters



Untitled Page 16

Untitled Page 16

Probs not. Well, I just wanted to apologize for earlier. We're both very stressed. And i used to be very good at managing my stuff and when problems arose I used to have a better mindset. It's just... Stanford has come with all sorts of new challenges. Moving, being without you, transfer credit, class difficulty, roommate problems, and now - ugh, wisdom teeth. I just felt really overwhelmed. I'm sorry I called you so upset and I didn't mean to diminish any of the things you're going through. Thank you for being there and offering solutions,

empathy, and some humor (emoji) I

Last edit over 5 years ago by mrssmiff
Untitled Page 17

Untitled Page 17

No I can't I'm too busy

What do yo have next weekend? I'm busy as well.

Final draft of two essays. Prep for monster chem final. Understand math. Make poster for Spanish and finalize trip plans. Also need to fix transfer credit mess and practice for Spanish exit interview. Won't be able to start any of that until Friday.

Last edit over 5 years ago by mrssmiff
Untitled Page 18

Untitled Page 18

You can do it sweetie, I believe in you.

Also, been reading this memoir abuot a doctor's time in med school and cadaver dissections. As you can imagine lots of death and dying... Idk, naturally you just start thinking about what's important in life. Anyway just wanted to let you know that I love you and I think about you a lot over the course of my day even though I'm pretty busy prepearing for finals

Last edit over 5 years ago by mrssmiff
Displaying pages 16 - 18 of 18 in total