Letters to his parents



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1. forget to sign church slips in proper manner

2. go late to church.

3. talk during church & chapel

4. talk during music, etc.

5. feel sore toward monitor if she makes you absent

6. block chapel door

7. walk slowly going out of chapel

8. forget to go to bed at 10 P.M.

9. run bills in Claremont or Pomona

10. use telephone at Sumner Hall without permission

11. mark paper or wall around telephone

12. injure furniture, esp. in library.

13. forget my office hours are 8-9 a.m. & 1-2 p.m.

14. go in if some o ther girl is there

15. go to Sumner Hall during study hours.

16. forget to contribute 25 for medicines at Sumer Hall if you want the use of them.

17. forget that waiting rooms at Inn is for your use girls too modest

18. call each other by last names without prefix - that is a mans privilege

19. use slang!!!

20. forget to hold doors open for Seniors, etc.

21. call Seniors by first names - too much familiarity

22. forget that faculty is higher than Seniors

23. go to slush joint after 6 oclock without chaperone

Last edit almost 4 years ago by hannahb25
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24. ditch chaperone - "the chaperoned person has by far the greatest liberty"!!!

25. spend leisure time hanging around P.O & railroad station

26. don't go walking after dinner with young men - you can let them walk home with you & then tell them to go.

27. don't forget to send your caller home at 7:30 & on Saturday at 10.

28. don't go walking on Sundays with young men, unless a very near relative (or friends from a distance)

29. go on long walks.

30. hire rigs from every stable unless you see me first (this doesn't apply to young women whose parents are here.

31. go on Sunday trams without permission!!

32. be conspicuous or un-laylike one bus, train, summer resorts, or anywhere!!!!

Last edit almost 4 years ago by hannahb25
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