Untitled Page 39




Status: Complete

We're standing [in?] the middle of all of these official people and photographers and such - and Irwin was even better off, but we didn't feel like pushing our luck any more. The better position we were in the better the chance of someone wondering what we were doing there. Anyway, we got one brief down pour which almost got us all soaked but for rain gear and a rain shelter, but the whole thing was just so unreal nothing mattered; I just hope some of the pictures turned out decently, I've never tried that before and my reactions weren't fast enough but I did what I could and at least I was there, it made it not seem quite so [bad?] that I missed the Grand Prix in the Monte Carlo in May. Tomorrow is either Paris or in the Chateaux at Blois, who knows, then off to Madrid and environs, Toledo etc. Next is (Denise stop reading to the end of this page) North of Spain/South of France to the Riviera then down to Corsica then Rome and Florence and Pisa and Venice and maybe Sienna then Vienna and Salzburg, Switzerland, Chamonix (France), [Mamce?], Normany and Britanny (France), Paris and back to London again before the 14th. End of Part I: TRAVELS w/VICKIE

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