Untitled Page 142




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Hello Grandma! These cards seem to be getting farther and farrther apart, I'm sorry about that, but the trip keeps getting more hectic. We saw this castle today. It was owned by an Archbishop with a great sense of humor, so the grounds of the house itself are covered with trick fountains which would get his guests (not to mention all the tourists) wet at every opportunity. I'm glad we went on a hot day, I swear no one got away without getting wet--it was really a lot of fun. We're having a great time in Austria, we've extended our stay one day more than we expected already and we'd both like to stay here, especially in Salzburg, for another week or two--and we only have five days left on the continent as it is. The time has gone so fast I can't believe that I've been gone for 27 days now on this trip, it seems incredible. And we've seen so much, but there's still so much to see that we haven't touched like Greece, Scandanavia... not to mention all places in all the countries we've "seen" that we've missed. I know it seems like I've been gone forever to all of you, but I still can't believe I'm here. I'm afraid I'll wake up and find out it's all been a dream! Gotta go no room on the card or time in Austria. See you soon, I LOVE YOU - Vickie

Mrs. LaVerne Uecker
1303 Century Dr.
Orange CA 94666

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