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5:45 Leave for Greg Adamski's. Hear about DOW dropping on radio, but not how much. Stop to buy some Korbel Brut. Greg still looks pretty good, but acts somewhat kid-like. "Cool". But he's a gentleman and makes me feel very wanted. Spaghetti is perfect for having after today's chicken + rice lunch. Good Bordeaux - Mouton Cadez. He even had Chivas before dinner. After cleaing up kitchen, which he felt self-conscious doing, since he's a very organized person, at his own level, we messed around quite a while. (Candle light) Great legs, nice arms + stomach, hair chest. Tender touch where it counts. Great to lay on his back, and hug his hairy chest. Afterward, I showered. Went to get ice cream + strawberry sauce, and brought it back, and watched last part of some comedy with Hope Lang + Rosanna Arquet, who is brought home to be introduced to family on their 50th anniversary + everthing goes wrong.

10:30 Watch some comedy show - juggler of bowling ball + sword.

11:00 News - heard DOW dropped 508 points! But I didn't feel like worrying now. To bed + mess around again, already.

12:00 To sleep, but restless, sleeping w/someone.

Tues Oct '20 87

Too tired to mess around. Shower

8:00 Leave. Hard to find WSJ. Eventually get one at Holiday Inn, and ate breakfast + read it all. Microsoft closed at 48.25. It was 72 on Thursday, so it lost about 3/8 or 37.5%!! Lots more than the DOW going down just 23%. Equivalent is 93.5 on the old scale; I suppose I should say the 105 or so I could've sold it for in june is 52.5 now. And that means only a 10% drop from that max. The thing that bugs me is that you cannot predict these things, and make money. 19 points in one day means I lost >$1M!!

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