Page 127




Status: Indexed

Put on tie.

Put in contacts

2:00 Head for York's office

2:15 He gives me a view of the market.

Interesting how pressure built up and was exaggereated by Program Trading

He tried to sell me on doing business which didn't take until I realized the necessity of having to do all the 144 sales through one broker.

Also some other interesting topics

Commission on 100 shares @ $40 $97 or 2.45%

1000 " " $40 $515 or 1.3%

10000 " " " $2500 or $0.62%

So it becomes much more palatable at higher levels, plus York said he'll give me 20% discount on 1000 or more shares traded. It still costs 4 times more tan Schwab at $543, but York claim they make 1/4 point off the trade, so it's not clear its cheaper. Plus its much easier to get access to York.

I feel in stronger hands than the impersonal touch at Schwab, at least for this sort of thing.

Then we went over forms so I can sell MS stock when I need to.

3:45 Go to MS

Mail, email, call Mom.

Email Jeff + Luther ~ Newsflashes.

Change time on computer

4:45 Go home

5:15 Put stuff away. Change clothes

Write up today. Do mail.

Change clothes.

Write note on possibility of using S&P100 options before MS fell.

Maybe work out real numbers later.

6:15 Go to Parents for dinner.

Good talks. Keep stock talk at about 50%

Watch Moneyline + take notes.

Call Bob, who says to call Gary V to convince him to be Tammy Faye. I do.

Watch Stand By Me. Good movie, great music.

Seems so Oregon in the summer.

Watch news a bit. Japan market down.

Go home.

Write up notes about wanting fair market price.

Also look for S&P100, seeing how expensive

1:30 To bed

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