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Status: Indexed

Wed Oct 28 '87

6:30 Wake up but try to sleep, but cannot

7:00 Watch CNN a bit. Dow down.


Breakfast more CNN

Read WSJ.

Start laundry.

Write up yesterday since 6:15.

9:00 Lok over notes in blue Notebook and arrange and annotate a bit.

11:00 Snack.

List of goals to tel York.

Call for quote. MS + DOW unchanged.

11:15 Dry Laundry.

Try calling Anna. See if she calls back, and if so, when.

Consider calling Ric Ulrich, but

my reasons are self-motivated;

awkward since we're not close;

would I be willing to go visit him;

even when we spent time, we weren't close;

what would I say to him about his ARC.

he probably doesn't want to tell me about his ARC

he doesn't have time even for his own costume

Start list of why I'll use ML for Rule 144 stuff, for blue notebook. Mostly, hard to get Anna.

11:15 Gather ML Rule 144 book + forms

12:15 Call Catherine Iles about Madrona Tudor.

12:30 Make + eat lunch

Reduce my amount of MS to sell over next yr and increase the frequency, and it works out to 1000 sh semi mothly.

Get read + dressed to go.

1:45 Go to Merrill Lynch via

712 36th Ave E pseudo colonial

530 Hillside Lot (need house ready to go)

2:00 Discuss investment areas, and some of my goals.

York said no problem selling 1000 sh of Microsoft bimonthly. Move 1/2 proceeds into some Load Fund as long as load is deeply discounted to 3 1/2% or so.

Move other half into my reload funds.

Also discussed insurance + estates a bit.

4:45 Leave. Get snacks at grocery store

5:30 Stop at Microsoft. Look at Works in box.

Great. Sample Works, promo stuff, etc.

Jeff says "We need to get together to discuss life" as I pass him in the hallway.

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