Page 103




Status: Needs Review

5:00 -----
Look at yesterday WS Week again: Small Comp.

6:15 Dinner. Finish Academy awards.

8:30 Think about how I'll proceed to review work, people/friends, where to live (city, home)

9:00 G. Girls

9:30 More thoughts on
Start tomorrow just going through stacks from 1976-79...I've already done diaries + photos + work materials but not stacks of souvenirs... up through 80's to 86 and then start reviewing diaries for [work, people/friends, where to live]

10:30 think what to wear. T shirt + spag strap.

11:00 Listen to old 83-84 mixed tapes, looking for Human League. Where did it go? come from?

11:30 Out to Balcony. Bob + Michael. Wine.
Ken gordon. Talk Long. Wine.

[cut off]:45 Go home. Cuddle, relax...

SUN APR 2 '89

9:00 (new time) Pillow talk.

9:15 ----- Clean up apt.

10:45 Set clocks ahead one hour

11:15 Try Greg. Leave Msg.
Go to Storage + go through 1976 + 77 stacks.
Found old 1976 Gay Guide to Seattle + pic of Bill G + me.

12:30 Home for lunch. Try Greg again; Zip.

1:15 Back to Storage. Do 1978, 79, 80 up to O.C.

1:30 Go home. Call Greg. -----

2:00 To SMB. Arms day. Fine.
Think (in general) what I have in Storage
Personal things since college, as they "pass on"
Professional things starting with HBS until P.A.
So I've got as much personal stuff, even though work dominates my life. Also,
Financial stuff, as it "passes on."
Only stuff at Parents is through College and stuff I worked on, through Seattle '79.

5:00 Go home. Think about 76-79 (from college till HBS)
ABQ, Redondo, ABQ, Seattle (rhythm...)
In the latter 2, I didn't program much at all, I was managing, but a very well-defined product.
In O.C., all I could do, away from MSoft, was program.
Back in Seattle, I tried to manage, but again a [very well-defined product]
It was not exciting or an advancement, so I just cleaned it up, got it done, made new team...
Then I left Cobol, to code again, but in C!
Again quite well-defined, and even so was Pers Acct, although MORE freedom to design + no assembler.

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