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The only positive aspect is that I know I didn't stay on to manage summer help just to ensure getting the payoff on July 1. I just decided on the much more significant bases mentioned on the June 10 report, "Strategy for 2nd 1/2 of 1987"

to protect what I've created +

to determine what to express next.

If I had just the strong motivation to stay through July 1, I may have made an even bigger mistake.


10:45 I either made a mistake or my subconscious took over and focused me on the weak reasons for not getting into the ESPP, cited above.

The strongest reason was probably that I felt strongly I'd be done with Works, and quit Microsoft by now, so why hassle putting money into it, just to get it back without interest. BUT I'M STILL HERE. I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT I CAN LEARN FROM THIS LACK OF FORESIGHT.

The fact is, I had my 500 shares from vesting (on May 15) in early June and on June 8 I had the power to say no to managing the summer people, which probably would not have cost me my job had I wanted to hold it till July 1, but now I can never look back and say I decided to stay due to motivation to collect ESPP gain. KEY?


11:15 An even better explanation is just the parallel with early Microsoft days. I did not push for ownership then just as I did not act to take advantage of ESPP. Only result is that MS has wealth I could've had, had I asked. But do I care? I certainly shouldn't be bugged about $7200, having given up owning several % of Microsoft!


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