Page 43




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So if I do both of these correctly, then maybe I can develop some really good legs. I also want to do aerobics on my non-workout days. They help to airate my body + help me grow and stay alert. Do running tennis or aerobic exercises, 3 times a week.

Thus I have daily exercise! It'll be much easier to keep up this summer with good weather, but what about next winter? Leave!

Anyway the goal is to develop a great set of legs. If they grow so will everything else I hope. Another key is to do them slowly and all the way down to parallel. Great weight isn't needed perhaps. The deal is to tire the thigh muscles. This can be achieved without great weight, and with more reps and less speed.

Also, Bob called and we talked about being in love. We'd both like to be, with someone romantically. Prepare...

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