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paramount now, so that I make friends and form a network. I need to become fun. To have fun. Judy Garland "Clang Clang Clang" Connie Francis, etc.

But is Microsoft and Seattle the correct place for me to try to do this? I have few friends here and I don't expect that to change. Either at Microsoft or in Seattle at all. And Microsoft is not a financial services institution so there aren't any marketing people with those skills here. So would it be better for me to do this project at a bank or other institution? In SF?

I have been a loner the whole time I've been with Microsoft and that may be hard to change now. Perhaps I should just write off the last 2 years to more learning. I've become a designer in that period as well: studying products, imagining improvements, synthesizing an integrated whole, and implementing it, then testing it, and refining it. It's taken awhile, but I've learned.

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