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2 revisions | rdobson at Nov 07, 2017 03:08 AM 3here I am writing to you before I have taken my hat and veil off. And you, you poor dumpy man o' my heart, with your sickening doubts - if I could just see you one minute, I would drive all your doubts away! Don't I know the feeling - that horrible, the-earth-is-falling-and-I-with-it feeling, when your greatest horror is the suffering you will cause the other fellow if you have made a mistake! But I tell you now, my Dear, that when we see each other again, here I am writing to you before I have taken my hat and veil off. And you, you poor dumpy man o' my heart, with your sickening doubts - if I could just see you one minute, I would drive all your doubts away! Don't I know the feeling - that horrible, the-earth-is-falling-and-I-with-it feeling, when your greatest horror is the suffering you will cause the other fellow if you have made a mistake! But I tell you now, my Dear, that when we see each other again, 3 |