EEI to FWF07211919

EEI to FWF07211919


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[Fiona?] E. [Ingels?] 734 Bush San Francisco

If [unreached?] for in 10 days, froward to 24th Aero Squadron

Lieutenant Fauna Wynne Farris

Last edit over 7 years ago by rdobson
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July 21, 1919

My Dearest

I am home - home again - back in San Francisco - back to my work! Oh I could hug the world! And to greet me in the silent, cheery little apartment was your letter of June 21st, saying maybe you would be home soon. And my heart is overflowing so with happiness that

Last edit over 7 years ago by rdobson
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here I am writing to you before I have taken my hat and veil off. And you, you poor dumpy man o' my heart, with your sickening doubts - if I could just see you one minute, I would drive all your doubts away! Don't I know the feeling - that horrible, the-earth-is-falling-and-I-with-it feeling, when your greatest horror is the suffering you will cause the other fellow if you have made a mistake! But I tell you now, my Dear, that when we see each other again,

Last edit over 7 years ago by rdobson
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everything will be all right. Fundamentals do not change in two years, and neither of us were in love with the outside of the other person. And besides, each of us is as free as the winds to love or not love, and if there has been a mistake made, we

Last edit over 7 years ago by rdobson
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will both understand.

But now I - I love you wildly at this moment. I love everything in the whole world and you most of all. And tomorrow I go back to my beloved patients - bless their hearts. I don't believe there's a thing in the world any one of them

Last edit over 7 years ago by rdobson
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