




September 9, 1942

Dear Tom,

It was good to hear from an old friend by your last letter. I hear from [Ricky?] regularly and sporadically from [Walaby?] but never from old Mike anymore. I am afraid he has turned out to be somewhat of a fair weather friend with his smug draft immunity and his rich and [horsy?] wife. I say that without malice and very regretfully, for I like old Mike.

The thing about which I was most impressed concerning your letter was the fact that you have applied for a comission. I do hope you are successful, and [fill?] the need of fine officers, you should certainly be given one if anyone is. In this organization we have had several, must be at least six officers who have been comissioned from civillian life. There have been several given [majorities?] who have had World War experience and who have also been in the [transportation?] business as that is what we are concerned with here. With your experience and background of 1918, together with you excelled standing

Last edit almost 6 years ago by rdobson


you should be given a majority. Perhaps I mentioned to you the fact that I ran into Bill [Hovey's?] father about 6 weeks ago. I was on some errand which took me on a large army transport. The officer to when I gave the message turned out to be a [Major Willard Hovey?]. I naturally inquired if he were related to our friend, and it turned out to be his father! He was a Lt. in the Air Corps in the last war and said he couldn't stay out of this one. A fine looking man as Bill's father would be. Bill is now a Lt. stationed in Oregon at Camp Davis in [Corvallis?].

[Ricky?] wrote to me a few days ago stating that he was planning to announce his engagement to Louise Grey of San Francisco. We know her well as she is as fine as Ricky deserves. She comes from a fine San Francisco family, one of the [Panaches] and I know they are well suited. Perhaps they have already made the announcement. I am so glad you had a visit with him. I so wish I had been able to be there.

[Halaby?] is still working at Lockheed and probably doing very well. I have had in mind to write him inquiring his opinion as to the capabilities of the American [bombers?] alongside the British. He is such a [rabid?]

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Anglophone. I an wondering which is stronger, his love of the English or his insight into American Airplane production and its abilities. I was interested in the British critics who stated it was near suicide for American pilots to be sent over Germany in our heavy bombers. We suggested that our [Liberetors?] and Flying Fortresses be relegated to the ranks of patrol planes. I think I shall ask an expert about trial.

[On?] still being here seems to be in a status of semi-permanent duration. We were to have sailed on the 19th of last month but at the last minute some change was made and now we have been [defered?]. There was an officer through here a few days ago who had returned from overseas after eight months there. We said not to be in a rush to get there as it seemed to him he had been there a million years.

I don't suppose you ever see Rosemary [Clark?] who was a freshman last year. She will be entering her sophomore year in a few weeks. She is a Pi Phi. If you are ever up there make a point of saying hello for she is quite an attractive and

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poised girl. It was in her father's office where I was working in Long Beach before I joined the Army. I hear from them regularly and that way indirestly keep in touch with the law. We are in an interesting spat back here for there are always some foreign troops passing through. Some of them are brought over as guards of the German prisoners who are kept in Canada. We now have some Scottish soldiers here. Their officers are resplendent in kilts and bonnets and they all carry canes.

I must return to my work now, Tom. Thank you again for your fine and encouraging letter. Audrey joins me in sending my best regards.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by rdobson
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