Engineer's Office 4th [indecipherable] 1825
George Plumly overseer of the Gaol Gang E.P. having said to me on my visit to his gang on saturday last that Thompson the Soldr. of the 57th Regt. lately sentenced to work in irons, had conducted himself with regularity, the Gov. has been pleased to direct that the iron ring round his neck, & small chains leading from it to the leg irons, shall be struck off, and has desired me to request that you will be good enough to see that these parts of his chains are withdrawn accordingly – leaving only the ordinary leg irons & chains, similar to those worn by the other prisoners
I have the honour &c
(signd.) W. Dumaresq Captain &
Inspector of Convicts
To H.J.K. Superintendent E.P.
Note – Thompson arrived at Emu Pls. on the thursday, & went to the gang on the day following - consequently he had been only one day on the road, when Plumly the overseer is reported to have matd. his regular conduct - This letter addressed to the Superintendent of E.P. who had nothing to do with the gaol gang on the Roads –
The letter was recd. at E.P. (on monday night) & Thompson had refused to work in heavy irons, & was sent to the Gaol at Penrith
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