House, and that your Excellency laid before
the Council a letter of [original text crossed out] Mr. Mackaness who was the Sheriff, in which he [original word crossed out] consider
ed the [original text crossed out] the Statute 4. Geo. 4. Chap. 64, [original text crossed out]
[original text crossed out] for regulating gaols, as in force in
this Colony, and at the same time an opinion of
the acting Attorney General, and I think also of
Mr. Carter, in which a different view was taken,
and that I did express the opinion [original text crossed out]
[original text crossed out] ascribed to me in Mr. Mackaness' letter. By what
[original text crossed out] means he came to the knowledge of this
fact. I will not [original text crossed out] conjecture. It were hard
to offer any opinion [original text crossed out] upon the correctness of a
[original text on this line is crossed out]
statement so plainly affirmed on one side, and so nearly touching the honor of an absent party
[original text crossed out] or the other. But [original text crossed out]
[original text crossed out]
[original text crossed out] from Mr. Mackaness marked
[original line of text crossed out]
[original text crossed out] reserve of manner toward me, for some
time past, [original text crossed out] I contain no doubt that he believed
what he states himself to have heard.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your Excellency's most
Obt. humble Servt.
Signed / Francis Forbes
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