Sydney [indecipherable]
Brisbane Cottage
March 22d 1828
Dear Sir
I cannot leave the colony without
requesting you to inform me whether Lieut Col.
Stewart was correct, when he told me. "That you in"
"Council had given it as your opinion, that the Act"
"of 4 Geo IV :64 did not apply to this Colony, and"
"that it was the duty of the Sheriff to attend to the Gaol."
He added "if your Sheriff have any thing to fear it is"
"though your friend the Chief Justice, who in my judgement "
" dictated the Letter the Governor sent home against "
you." This conversation happened a few weeks before
Col Stewart went to India as we were walking over the
Race course from the Barracks to my residence
I am Dear Sir
Yours truly
Mackaness [?]
His Honor
The Chief Justice
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