enclosed letter will [inform crossed out] afford you ^some proof^ - I simply beg of you to read it Sir and return it me when you have done with it and that you will regard the communication of it as confidential
I have the honor to be Sir -
Yr most obedient humble Servt (signed) Francis Forbes
Sir I am this moment faced with Your letter, which is in every respect perfectly satisfactory. Having been informed of the circumstance as Communicated to You, I felt myself bound to put You in possession of it - But I assure You, I not only do not know the author, but I have made a point, as I usually do on such occasions, of not
His Honor Chief Justice Forbes
not inquiring. It was mentioned to a Gentleman of my Family who shall be immediately furnished with the means of Correcting his inform [information?]
I have the honour to be Sir, Your most obedient humble servant, Ra. [Ralph] Darling
Sunday 5 OClock March 23d