



Status: Complete

[MS 65]

Rochdale July 24 1816
Dear Husband
This comes with my Kind and best
Respects to you hoping this will find you in Good
Health as it leaves us all at present thanks be
To God For the same and we are quite uneasy
To hear from you as we expected a letter from
you before now their [there] was a Man here a few weeks
Since that said he had been doing Duty over you
That gave us Discriptions how to write to you.
In the Name of Samuel Holebrook First -
Devision [division] and Said you was In Good health and
We was Glad to hear it as we had Not heard from
you of so long and I Should be Glad If you would
Send us a letter what sort of doings you have
And Discriptions of the place and sort of work
you are Mostley [mostly] Employed with and send us all
Perticulars wether [whether] you Expect to come home
Any sooner than your time.

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