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"Macquarie Grove Feby 27th 17

Dear Sir

Accept my humble thanks for

your kind letter ; I was not expecting such

a favour as your moments must be very

precious to yourself and friends — I was

surprised, as you apprehended, on hearing

it was doubtful, whether you would depart

by the Kangaroo — I then supposed

you disliked to be in company with

certain characters, most likely to be your

[mess mates?] — Tho' I should like you to have

unexceptionable companions. I think you

should not disappoint yourself of a quick

embarkation, as something might occur


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Bradley, James. "Letter to Thomas Hassall." Hassall Family Papers, 1793-2000. Series 2: Hassall family, correspondence, 1793-ca. 1900. Sub-series 3: correspondence, volume 3, 1793-1888 File 1: Hassall family, correspondence, volume 3, pp. 1-668, 1793-1821, State Library Of New South Wales, 27 February 1817.