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MS 226
suspect the best motives in others -
and perhaps condemn without
evidence - having judged according
to the secret springs of their own
hearts - If I did not think
you possessed a solictous wish
to be useful to mankind and
a zealous advocate for the
Redeemers cause - I should
have told you also - The best
may err - Oh, I have been hearing
such tales about the students
of Cambridge - I pray God
you may escape their contagion-
Don't think I suppose you
such a weak unstable man as

MS 227

to be led astray by every giddy
inconsiderate youth - I confess
my thoughts are quite the reverse
Before I conclude allow me to
remind you that my happiness
depends much on your generosity
and kindness in sending out
my wife - I make no doubt
your will act a charitable part -
should you receive no answer from
her write the Revd Mr Brown
Carthdawson Ireland -
Now I must conclude - May I
see you as a Star in Glory having
turned many to Righteousness -
May you be preserved from every pain
and every sin and return in due time
to your country and friends-
adieu adieu & sometimes pray for
your most affectionate servant
J Bradley

MS 230
The Black Swans to a more
favourable opportunity
Let me hear from you & your
commands shall be attended to
to the utmost of my power
I think you will derive much
pleasure in the statement our
friend can give of the Colony
Accept very serious respect
Your Husband[?]
& very H. [indecipherable]
John Grant[?]

J Strahan Esq
Drobing[?] Street

MS 321
.... I write you - I have found it
most convenient to ... your
kinds[?] & ends up in a .....
to Mrs Stokes 32 Finsbury Place
next door to Lackengateon ...
The Box is in charge of Mr Tho
Hassall & will be sent to the
Lady & Sons L Stokes Esq
.... Lane Cheapside
you can send us a box if not
delivered in due time
April[?] 8th 1817

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