File 1: Hassall family, correspondence, volume 3, pp. 1-668, 1793-1821





[MS 15]

very extensive fortune or at least the appearance of it, and they have suffered themselves to be led by this man into a litigation that has drawn into its vortex several officers, and proceeded such lengths that I have been obliged although, with extreme reluctance to order officer [Officer] Grimes, (who acted as judge advocate after the I had [indecipherable] [indecipherable] to take my dispatches in arrest to prevent an insurrection of the inhabitants and to secure him and the persons he confided in from being massacred by the incensed multitude, or if the Governor had escaped so dreadful an end and retained his authority to see his Majesty's benevolent and paternal government dishonoured by cruelties and merciless execution. A very awful impression was made upon the minds of the inhabitants, as I have been informed when they saw Mr. McArthur taken to the Goal, many respectable persons hastened to him, and when the Court assembled at 10 o'Clock, his two bondsmen presented a copy of the warrant and a deposition from themselves. Whilst the search was making for Governor Bligh, I was entreated by the civil officers and inhabitants to proclaim Martial Law and this request [enacting?]

Last edit 10 months ago by natsa


[MS 13] Extracts from a letter dated (crossed out word) Head Quarters Sydney N.S. Wales [New South Wales] 11 Apr 1808 Addressed to Lord Castlereagh etc? Signed Geo [George] Johnston "Whenever the facts that have influenced me throughout so solemn a transaction shall be laid before my most gracious Sovereign. I humbly trust his Majesty will approve of my conduct, and that it will be apparent I had no alternative but to put Govenor Bligh in arrest to prevent an insurrection of the inhabitants and to secure him and the persons he confided in from being massacred by the incensed multitude, or if the Governor had escaped so dreadful an end and retained his authority to see his Majestys benevolent and paternal Government dishonoured by cruelties and merciless executions." A very awful impression was made upon the minds of the inhabitants, as I have been informed, when they saw Mr Mc Arthur taken to the Goal, many respectable persons hastened to him and when the Court (crossed out word) assembled at 10 o'clock, his two Coatsmen presented a copy of the warrant and a deposition from themselves. Whilst the search was making for Governor Bligh I was entreated by the civil officers and inhabitants to proclaim Martial Law, and this request meeting

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[MS 14] with my approbation, Martial Law was instantly proclaimed and continued in force untill the next day." "On the evening of the 26th January and several succeeding days Committees were engaged in examining the Judge Advocate the Commissary, the Governors Secretary Mr Campbell Mr Arndell, Mr Fulton & Crossley from whom many impor tant proofs were obtained of the Governors intentions and His confidence in Crossley." " But every obstacle that heresy or cunning could devise, has been interposed to distract my attention and retard those necessary objects so widely extended in the influence of some of the person who have been engaged in illicit or dishonest practices, that they have contrived to form a combination with several of the better class, who ought to have held themselves superior to such connections." "I am concerned to say that the two Mr Blaxlands persons who have received such extraordinary encou -ragement as settlers, have been amongst the for -wardest and most troublesome of my opposers These gentlemen, have unhappily for themselves found a connection with an inhabitant of the name of Lord who was formerly a convict, but now possesses a [MS 15] very extensive fortune or at least the appearance of it, and they have suffered themselves to be led by this man into a litigation that has drawn into its Vortex several officers, and proceeded such lengths that I have been obliged although with extreme reluctance to make Mr Grimes, (who acted as judge advocate after the suspension of Mr Atkins) to take my dispatches in the Dart, and Mr Harris Surgeon N.S. Wales [New South Wales] Corps to proceed with the duplicates in the Brothers." "Although I have the greatest cause to be dis satisfied, with the part Mr Grimes has suffered himself to be influenced to act, more particularly when the emergency of public affairs are considered, yet I cannot but hope, from my knowledge of his past conduct that his Errors have been errors of Judgement, more than design, and I beg to refer your Lordship to Mr Grimes for any information your Lordship may wish respection Governor B. with an entire confidence that he will relate to your Lordship, many im portant facts."

Last edit 10 months ago by natsa


[MS 16] Copy of Geo [George] Johnston Letter to Lord Castlereagh 1808 23 ------ 14

[squiggle line]

17-1 17-9 ---------- 0-9


Last edit 10 months ago by natsa


[MS 17] Leeds April 30th 1795 Dear Marsden I received your first & last letter. The second never came to Hand. Had I known how to get a letter to you I would have endeavoured to have sent one before this Time. I laid your case before the meeting in March. Every one agreed in these sentiments that you had resolved well with the help of God to have no differ ence which could be avoided with the Governor. And that it was much to be regretted that Mr Johnson had not studiously avoided any. Every one must be satisfied that no ungodly man will second all your religious attempts. On the contrary [word crossed out] the [indecipherable] [indecipherable] give us to expect very great oppostion. And this must be the case particularly where a Governor is uncontroulable. [uncontrollable] What then in your situation must be the Consequence of a rupture? I have [indecipherable] at the risk of your lives you have taken such a Voyage & the Lord has made a way for your to carry his blessed gospel to the end of the Earth, His gracious purpose will be defeated & all your toil & labours be in vain. It is certainly for the Interests of Religion, the Glory of God, the salvation of poor sinners as well as for your own success & comfort that you shd [should] if possible keep up a good understanding with the Governor. And consequently it shd [should] not only be your Study not to oppose him, but as far as ever you can with a good conscience to endeavour to gain his Esteem & Confidence. You should humour him ^in^ every thing in which God & conscience do not call upon you to go against his Inclination. And then you should do it in the most sub missive & courteous manner you was able. These are the unanimous Sentiments of the society which we hope you will endeavour to the utmost of your power to comply with - With respect to your acceptance & cultivation of ground, we are all likewise of opinion that in your present Situation it is your duty. We cannot work unless we eat. And as the colony stands in need of everyone's help in procuring things necessary for your subsistence everyone should lend a helping hand towards the common support - The case of the Levites has no thing ^to do^ with yours. For it was of God's especial appoint

Last edit 10 months ago by natsa
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