File 1: Hassall family, correspondence, volume 4, pp. 1-402, 1811-1856





4. Letters of Thomas Hassall Samuel Hassall Samuel Marsden Robert Campbell Miscellaneous Law letters prisoners letters

X Parramatta 15 May 1811

My dear Son Thomas

As your dear brother Saml. [Samuel] is gon [gone] to [indecipherable] - I have took the liberty to answer yours of yesterday by saying that we received the [indecipherable] Cord your Mothers Coat the powder & shot and likewise the Books which as more fit for Mr. Bevan than myself tell Bevan not to make the other pair until he does mine.

Mr. Christie is just come from the Marsdens and brings us the happy news that our dear friend Mrs Marsden is much better and can spake a word or Two. My dear Son what manner of persons ought we to be seeing we all are subject to the

Last edit 10 months ago by ghassall



= same afflictions - and we are accountable to God for all our acts, (underlined) words (underlined) & thoughts (underlined) and as we live in such a dreary world, and are such very great siners, [sinners] what need you, and me (underlined) have to look to the Great Redeemer for pardon - holiness and everlasting hapiness - O for a lasting faith to trust in Him - then shall we be secure, let what will take place in things around us -

Mrs Durie wishes you to send her 2 white silk handfs, [handkerchiefs] one plain and the other figured and (underlined) ¼ yard of Bottle green Cloth, I think Mr Durie says he wrote to Mr Jones for the same - they want them by the first conveyance - the boat is just going therefore must conclude. Remaining your very Loving

Father Rowland Hassall

Last edit over 1 year ago by natsa



Mr. Thos. Hassall. Oconell Street Sydney

My Dr Father 15 May 1811

Last edit over 1 year ago by natsa



Parramatta 10th Jul 1813

Dear Son,

Yours came to hand, and with respect to Mr Walker seeing the cattle, I think you had better see Mr Robt [Robert] Campbell and ask him when he can go up the country with Mr Walker and my -self, as I think it would be best for us all three to go together.

If those gentmn [gentlemen] (underlined) will appoint a time I will make it convnient - Suppose we where to say next Monday (underlined) week - (underlined) if all are agreeable - I was sorry to hear the news relative to Captn - [Captain] Earl, we may learn from hence how uncertain things are in this time State - and that

Last edit over 1 year ago by natsa


[MS 6]

in the midst of life we are in death. To whom then can we look for succour, but to the Dear Redeemer and blessed be his name he is a very present help in all times of trouble, both in life and Death (underlined) May we have strength (underlined) to trust (underlined) in him (underlined) is my sincere prayer. Your Dr [Dear] Mother sisters & Bro -thers are all well and join in love to Mr & Mrs R, and

I remain Dr Son yours

Rowl [Rowland] Hassall

NB The chest of Tea came up last night safe

Last edit 4 months ago by ghassall
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