Collaboration is restricted for this collection. Please contact the project owner if you wish to help transcribe.
Using the image viewer
The image viewer on the left hand side of the screen has a variety of functions to help you while transcribing including zoom, rotate and full screen.
Transcription Conventions
- Spelling: Transcribe words as they are spelt in the original text. If place names or significant words are misspelt, transcribe as is in the original and follow with the correct spelling in square brackets, i.e. “Sidney [Sydney]”.
- Capitalisation: Transcribe capitalisation as used in the original text.
- Punctuation: Transcribe punctuation as used in the original text.
- Brackets: Square brackets, i.e. [ ], are used to indicate notes made by transcribers. If square brackets are used in the original text, transcribe them as circular brackets instead, i.e. ( ).
- Abbreviations: Please transcribe them as they are written and do not endeavour to transcribe the full version of the word. For example, transcribe cd and not could.
- Indecipherable words: If the original text includes a word that you are not able to decipher, transcribe as ‘[indecipherable]’ using square brackets in place of the word.
- Printed text: Do not transcribe any printed text on the page unless relevant to the context of the original material.
- Crossed out text: If the original text includes any crossed out text, add a note using square brackets such as ‘[original text has been crossed out]’.
- Blank pages: If a page is blank, select the ’mark as blank’ checkbox at the top of the transcript editor.
- Formatting: Do not worry too much about replicating any challenging formatting in the original text. When possible, use
at the end of every line. Press enter twice to indicate a new paragraph. - Special characters: Please see the ‘more help’ link below to access a list of common special characters that may appear in the original text. You can copy and paste characters from this list into your transcription where needed. You can use the strike through button to mark the text with a
strikethrough. You can use the sup button to add superscriptlikethis