


Status: Incomplete

No. 284 219
Parramatta June 5th, 1832
My dear dear Edward
I sit down, or more properly speaking
were up at the early hour of four in the morning to write you
a hurried Letter for it must be dispatched in an hour
by a special messaging to be in time to go by O'clock. who
takes his papers in a ship, which is expected to sail at day
light - It has been my intention for some days past
to commence writing very fully on the various inpor-
tant subjects which now occupy the attention of all who
have capacity, or inclination to think: but many unexpect-
-ted important affairs have so completely occupied my
whole time, and so deeply engaged my attention, that I
have been unable to perform what I [indecipherable] anxiously desired
to do - not to waste the few precious minutes that are
now left to me, by useless explanations of the causes of
& such an interuption, I shall at once proved to [indecipherable]
years, what [indecipherable] to most anxious first to know-
that my health has improve to a degree that I have
again expected, in so much, that I am enabled to attend
to every minute of our extended interests, and to
inspect the progress of all ordinary business, as well
as o devote a large portion of my time to many great
improvements, that are here in many instances con
-tained, and in [indecipherable] many meditate on much up

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