[Page 182]
and of their whole Establishment. It is very interesting
and if I were not so old and almost blind I could
almost wish to pay your Brothers a visit and witness
his Happiness and that of His Lady. Please to remember
me to them most kindly. Mr. Hood states under date
9th. Feby. 43 that Mrs. M. is "a Lady who was kindness
and politeness itself." He also adds that 10,000 Gallons
of Wine were expected to be made of the Quality of Madeira
only not so strong, and which might be sold at 4/ the
Gallon. I say well done"
"The Trade to China as now opened will prove an im-
-mense advantage to England in a few years, and cannot
fail to influence Australia"
"If I can be of any use to you or your Brothers, command
me – you will always find me ready to attend to your
Wishes" –
So much for Mr. Schüz pleasing Letter –
Before I send this Letter to London I hope to receive a
reply from the Secretary of the "Society of Arts" respecting
the Wine and Fruit, both of which still remain in the
Queen's Stores London. I wished to know when the samples
ought to be submitted to the Society and the Quantity which
each sample should contain. God bless you my dear William
and prosper all your undertakings Yr. affec Br.
Edward Macarthur
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