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many prudent Persons in England are, or shortly will be,
more at a loss than ever to find opportunities for the
prudent safe investment of their Money, and provided it can
be shown that money may be securely invested in the
Colony, it is just possible, that whatever sum you
may require, to obtain a release from existing burthens,
is to be had by prudent measures.

I have before intimated to you that it is most unwise
to place entire dependence in Friends, as they are termed.
Indeed, one is hardly justified in expecting that they
should incur risk, when there are so many whose
welfare depends on the right management of their affairs.
There can be no loan of Money without Risk – And it is
very painful to solicit Friends to incur that Risk.
When Money is borrowed in the open Market there can
be no such delicacy.

If the Colonial Rate of Interest continue inconveniently
high, and Property cannot be sold without a sacrifice
I recommend you to write to Mr. Crowther the London
Solicitor and to authorize him to raise upon Mortgage
or otherwise such Sum as you require. State to him

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