Volume 19: Sir Edward Macarthur letters, 1840?-21 December 1854





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accounts of the treatment, which he has received at the hands of William, that many would follow Stein's Example in leaving their Country – if they had Funds, or having Funds if the difficulties of arrange-ment in regard to their voyage did not deter them.

Mr. Von Rader returns to the Rhinegau immediately and I have requested him to explain that unless those who desire

Last edit 2 months ago by Portia


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to depart are prepared to pay their own Passage – nothing can be done for them. It would afford these People much con-fidence and facility – if there were some Agent (who well understood the habits and language of the Germans), resident in London to whom they might address themselves when they were here in transit. Something, I think, might also be done in New South Wales in regard to the establishment of a

Last edit 2 months ago by Portia


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sort of redemption System – that is a payment by Proprietors of the moiety of Passage Money at Sydney, which might be due to the Vessel upon her arrival at the Port.

It is a subject of the utmost importance to the Colony – but one in which the Government will not assist.

Believe me Yr. affectionate Br. Edw. Macarthur

London 30th August 1841

Last edit 2 months ago by Portia


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No. 14

London 31st. August 1841

My dear Brothers,

I have within a few days written by the Lady Clarke and again write by the "Fanny" a Vessel in which there are three cases for you. and The Bill of Lading of which last Mr. Cooper has transmitted. The Marks are J & W. M 1/3.

With this Letter you will also receive a Packet con -taining Catalogues of the recent wool sales. You will collect from them that the average of the wool by the "Kelso", as I have already apprized you was 2/1¼. There is also in the Packet a Letter from Germany for Stein, with a Note on the subject of Emigration from thence by me.

Should the afternoon be fine I am going myself with the Packet into the City. I have been busy

Last edit 2 months ago by Portia


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the whole morning looking over a Letter to the Secretary of State expectant for the Colonies, which recapitulates seriatim the course of treatment which it New South Wales had received from his Predecessor. I shall send it in, or deliver it as soon as that Successor is established in his Office. There are of course a hundred Surmises just now as to every Office. Before the "Fanny" departs some Newspaper will no doubt find its way on board, from which you will learn the new arrangements of the Peel Administration.

I hope to leave London for Cholmondeley Castle on Saturday – this being Tuesday – and will only now add that with Love to our dear Mother and the Family Circle, at

Last edit 2 months ago by Portia
Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 444 in total