Volume 19: Sir Edward Macarthur letters, 1840?-21 December 1854





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James Macarthur Esqre Camden New South Wales

Last edit 2 months ago by Portia


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No. 15

London September 20th. 1841

My dear James,

When about to set out for the City with the accompanying Letter respecting the Territorial Division of the Colony I receive your affectionate Letter of the 23rd. April, informing me as I truly rejoice to learn, that our dear Mother and the entire Family Circle were in the enjoyment of perfect Health. The Gothic Spire, Mr. Harrington, and the Roman Catholics, subjects which would have interested me had they been accompanied by those few and simple details for which I vainly look, fill the space which ought to have been devoted to other Matters.

Sir Thomas Mitchell, Mr. Bigge, and, as there is no allusion to any missing Letter, I would con-clude the entire series of Letters, to No. 21 (the receipt of which is acknowledged) had all arrived. Why then have you not sent me the Memorandum for

Last edit 2 months ago by Portia


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Admiral Douglas? Why am I to be subject to misgivings from Him, occasioned by this remissness on your part? I have received from Simes and Co the Proceeds of the Sale of Wool amounting to £2,913 and have no doubt but that the wool to arrive by the "Royal St George" will produce a proportionate price.

In order to prevent confusion on my private account at Herries & Co. I have passed a Note of Hand for £1000 payable in twelve Months – Interest 5 per Cent. with the Principal and Interest I shall debit your account.

Now then with regard to the current of public Affairs. Unless they proceed in a proper course it is vain to look for the steady advancement of private Interests.

By the Parliamentary Paper which accompanies this Letter you will perceive that it has been estimated 29,440 persons will by the end of this Month have proceeded to Sydney or Melbourne upon Bounty.

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Such a number of Persons must surely go far to fill up the Gulph – the deficiency of Labourers of which you complain. Until that just want be supplied – How idle is it to clamour about Modes of Faith?

My apprehension is that unless the local Government take immediate Measures to press for a Loan, to be regulated thro' the Bank of England according to the Plan suggested by the Council – the entire Emigration from home for the next year will be suspended. The Commissioners for Emigration draw Bills upon the Treasury of the Colony. If the Land Sales Fund were insufficient to meet the Amount for which the Colony might be permitted to draw; and the local Government should state the numbers of Emigrants for whom Provision would be made in the Colony. The Influx of Catholics must no doubt be regulated. Step by Step – and one thing at a time – I hope to be enabled to effect much. With Love to our dear Mother and to every Member of the Family Circle, I remain My dear James,

Yr. affectionate Brother Edward Macarthur

Last edit 2 months ago by Portia


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No. 15

James Macarthur Esqre Camden New South Wales

Last edit 2 months ago by Portia
Displaying pages 31 - 35 of 444 in total