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Mansion House Place

16th Oct. 1838


In the absence of Mr. Maynard, I
beg to acknowledge the receipt of your parcel
addressed to the firm. I am sorry that you
should have had the trouble of returning
the Memorial. Mr. Crowder attended himself
at the Colonial Office in the month of June
last, for the purpose of ascertaining the formalities
required in order to the registry of Deeds in
New South Wales. By an extract which he
then took & which now lies before me, it
appears that the Memorial "ought to be
"required by some one of the parties to the
"deed to be delivered to the office of the Supreme
"Court of New South Wales & verified upon
"oath of some one competent person that
"such memorial contained a just & true account
"of the several particulars therein set forth
"which oath shall be made before one of

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Portia - Please do not work on pages while I am actually still working on them. I have asked you before not to do this. There are many papers that you could commence working on yourself, and to interrupt and amend what I am doing in real time is, I believe, unacceptable. Val