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6 revisions
Portia at Jul 08, 2023 01:47 AM


[Page 93] Berrima 5th September 1857 Private Dear Sir I beg to forward you a copy of the Resolutions, and Petitions, to both Houses of Parliament, adopted at our Meeting yesterday, and with your permission to offer a few remarks on the Subject which I trust you will do me the favor to receive in The Honorable James Macarthur, Esquire M.L.A.

[Page 93]

5th September 1857


Dear Sir

I beg to forward you a
copy of the Resolutions, and
Petitions, to both Houses of
Parliament, adopted at
our Meeting yesterday, and
with your permission to offer
a few remarks on the Subject
which I trust you will do
me the favor to receive in

The Honorable
James Macarthur, Esquire M.L.A.


[Page 93] Berrima 5th September 1857 Private Dear Sir I beg to forward you a copy of the Resolutions, and Petitions, to both Houses of Parliament, adopted at our Meeting yesterday, and with your permission to offer a few remarks on the Subject which I trust you will do me the favor to [?] in The Honorable James Macarthur, Esquire M.L.A.

[Page 93]

5th September 1857


Dear Sir

I beg to forward you a
copy of the Resolutions, and
Petitions, to both Houses of
Parliament, adopted at
our Meeting yesterday, and
with your permission to offer
a few remarks on the Subject
which I trust you will do
me the favor to [?] in

The Honorable
James Macarthur, Esquire M.L.A.