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2 revisions
davidlambert at May 25, 2023 02:44 AM


[Page 95] with whom you would feel pleasure in dividing the interests of the County and who would join you in the support of any good Government and serve his Country faithfully. I know no one more fit than Mr Henry Oxley, you know him so well and from a Lad, that I feel you will agree with me he has youth strength of mind and talent in his favor, coupled with the experience he would learn in the Assembly in my opinion, could not fail to render him a very useful man

[Page 95]

with whom you would feel
pleasure in dividing the
interests of the County and
who would join you in the
support of any good
Government and serve his
Country faithfully. I know
no one more fit than Mr Henry
Oxley, you know him so well
and from a Lad, that I
feel you will agree with me
he has youth strength of mind
and talent in his favor,
coupled with the experience
he would learn in the Assembly
in my opinion, could not fail
to render him a very useful
