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3 revisions | Portia at Aug 31, 2023 05:35 AM FL4656095[Page 310]
opinion - : and, I had no reason to be-
-lieve that you were unwilling your opinion
should be made known, I did not hestitate
to give Mr. Lutwyche, and the Government,
the advantage of your judgment.
Yours faithfully
(sd) Charles Cowper.
Sir Alfred Stephen
&c &c &c
Extract from Sir Alfred Stephen's
note dated "Mulgoa, – Friday".
"Lutwyche will, I have no doubt,
make a good Judge. Despite his radi-
-calism, (the existence of which always im-
-plies some mental obliquity,) he is I think
conscientious, and he can be patient and
painstaking. But he is almost without
actual [Page 310] opinion - : and, I had no reason to be- Yours faithfully Sir Alfred Stephen Extract from Sir Alfred Stephen's "Lutwyche will, I have no doubt, FL4656095[Page 310]
opinion - : and, I had no reason to be-
-lieve that you were unwilling your opinion
should be made known, I did not hestitate
to give Mr. Lutwyche, and the Government,
the advantage of your judgment.
Yours faithfully
(sd) Charles Cowper.
Sir Alfred Stephen
& & &
Extract from Sir Alfred Stephen's
note dated "Mulgoa, - Friday".
"Lutwyche will, I have no doubt,
make a good Judge. Despite his radi-
-calism, (the existence of which always im-
-plies some mental obliquity,) he is I think
conscientious, and he can be patient and
painstaking. But he is almost without
actual [Page 310] opinion - : and, I had no reason to be- Yours faithfully Sir Alfred Stephen Extract from Sir Alfred Stephen's "Lutwyche will, I have no doubt, |