[Page 46]
[In circle at side "57.953"]
Department of Land and Public Works 670 Sydney 5th May 1857
With reference to your letter of the 18th ultimo respecting the application of the sum of Three hundred Pounds £300 voted for the Erection of a Bridge over Mount Hunter Creek, I am directed to request that, as the Honorable the Secretary for Lands and Public Works is prepared to authorise the Expenditure of the money asked for, you will have the goodness to inform him to whose credit you are desirous that the above sum should be placed.
I have the honor to be Sir, Your most obedient Servant M.C.J. Patrick
The Honorable James Macarthur Camden
[Page 47]
Department of Land and Public Works Sydney 8th May 1857 –
In acknowledging the receipt of your further letter of the 6th. Instant, I am directed by Mr Secretary Hay to inform you that the Honorable the Minister for Finance and Trade has been requested to cause the sum of Three hundred pounds to be placed in the Bank of Australasia to the credit of the Bench of Magistrates at Camden for the erection of a Bridge over Mount Hunter Creek on the road to the Oaks and Burragorang – the same to be charged to the Vote for Roads and Bridges generally for 1857 –
I have the honor to be Sir Your most obedient Servant M.C.J. Patrick
The Honorable James Macarthur Esquire, MP. Camden
[Page 48]
No 9 Bridge St, Sydney 16th May 1857
To the Honorable James Macarthur M.L.A. Camden Park
Dear Sir
Your Note dated 14th May reached me this Morng. Many thanks for your kindness with regard to my return home. I am happy to say I reached on Wednesday afternoon and altho annoy'd with rain, I was much pleased with my trip to Camden Park with all its surrounding Agricultural Scenery, so beautiful.
Thanks to Mr Bowman for the trouble I must have given him taking him out in the Rain. The enclosed Note signed from "J. Jones" I have read over & will afford him the necessary information he required. He ought to have known better addressing a letter to you. You are not far out I think in your opinion of the writer. I know his business place well. The price of the Wine I will ask him for the Red Wine 7/- pGalln – White Wine 6/- for the quantity he requires. You will perceive by
[Page 49]
the above address I have taken possession of the New Store. I have in Store 5 returned Empty Plant Cases. – At the Liverpool Terminus 6 or 7 Empty Butter Tubs I saw. Maize in this market still rules a high price. – No news of the Simla.
I am Yours Very Obediently R. Hutchinson.
[Page 50]
Treasury 13 James St (Saturday)
My dear Macarthur
Here is Mr Grahams reply to my enquiry & suggested blame somewhere.
The blame does not lie with him for it is clear that he delivered the box of paper to C. Moore & Dr Smith who took charge of the paper in his presence – on the day he received it (16 June 1857)
The Honorable James Macarthur MP