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4 revisions
Portia at Apr 06, 2023 10:12 AM


I have taken half a sheet by mistake

1 [pencil] 27.11.60

2 Chester Street. Belgrave Square
27th. Novr. 1860.

My dear William,

I have just learnt from Mr.
Gairdner that the Mail is delayed a day

I wrote yesterday under the discomfort
of miserable November weather, & cold fingers
To day it is mild & pleasant, but I have
but a few minutes to spare, as I found our
old friend Admiral Erskine here when
I came in two hours ago. Julia Norman was
also here, but did not stay long -–she &
Charlie are taking care of B. C. while Mr &
Mrs. Norman & Sibby are absent on a visit to [?]
[?]. Erskine is looking remarkably well
& promises to come again soon. He will be in
Town for a fortnight He begged to be most kindly
remembered to you – as did Julia Norman. We like
her very much & think Charlie has made an
excellent choice. Emily & Elizabeth are gone to pay
visits to the Robert Martins, & Aunt Forbes.
We are all quite well & of course talked much
of Australia and Australians with the Admiral

So much for domestic news & now let me supply


I have taken half a sheet by mistake

1 [pencil] 27.11.60

2 Chester Street. Belgrave Square
27th. Novr. 1860.

My dear William,

I have just learnt from Mr.
Gairdner that the Mail is delayed a day

I wrote yesterday under the discomfort
of miserable November weather, & cold fingers
To day it is mild & pleasant, but I have
but a few minutes to spare, as I found our
old friend Admiral Erskine here when
I came in two hours ago. Julia Norman was
also here, but did not stay long -–she &
Charlie are taking care of B. C. while Mr &
Mrs. Norman & Sibby are absent on a visit to [?]
[?]. Erskine is looking remarkably well
& promises to come again soon. He will be in
Town for a fortnight He begged to be most kindly
remembered to you – as did Julia Norman. We like
her very much & think Charlie has made an
excellent choice. Emily & Elizabeth are gone to pay
visits to the Robert Martins, & Aunt Forbes.
We are all quite well & of course talked much
of Australia and Australians with the Admiral

So much for domestic news & now let me supply