



Status: Complete

[Page 32]

which I will Supply work to the amt
of £6.10 (being the difference after deducting
the £3.4) for your own use, and
also for the Store should you require
it. This would enable me to get up
some leather from Sydney which would
be a Saving of from three to four pounds
at least. Hoping that this will
meet with your Kind Consideration
and which to me and my family
will be of the greatest importance.

I have the honor to be

Your Obdient humble Servt 
William Heard

[In a different hand:]
By Cheque 14th July  £10.0.0
Wm Heard

Jas & Willm Macarthur Esqurs 

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Signature is difficult to make out, even though written in two hands, but William Heard seems most likely.