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3 revisions | Portia at May 20, 2024 03:06 AM FL7428346[Page 393]
I shall look eagerly for news
of Jamie – but he must
not be too disappointed if
he does not accomplish all
that he desires – he has
worked his best and that
is always such satisfaction!
I am so sorry you have had
any discomfort approaching
hay fever, from which I was
quite wretched, & completely
shut up for 8 days – then
the damp gave me a [Page 393] I shall look eagerly for news FL7428346I shall look eagerly for news
of Jamie - but he must
not be too disappointed if
he does not accomplish all
that he desires - he has
worked his best and that
is always such satisfaction !
I am so sorry you have had
any discomfort approaching
hay fever, from which I was
quite wretched, & completely
shut up for 8 days - then
the damp gave me a I shall look eagerly for news |