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3 revisions | Portia at May 20, 2024 03:08 AM FL7428347[Page 394]
respite - but alas! this
evening it begins anew –
I suppose they recommence
the grass cutting with the
dry day! not far off –
I shall be so glad if you do
come up – I hope near me
if you come to this side?
for my visiting now is very
little to be depended upon. –
V. had a most gay week
for with 23 comrades in
Town there was something
going on all day & every day [Page 394] 346 respite - but alas! this FL7428347346
respite - but alas ! this
evening it begins anew -
I suppose they recommence
the grass cutting with the
dry day ! not far off -
I shall be so glad if you do
come up - I hope near me
if you come to this side ?
for my visiting now is very
little to be depended upon. -
V. had a most gay week
for with 23 comrades in
Town there was something
going on all day & every day 346 respite - but alas ! this |