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5 revisions
VixE at Jan 08, 2023 05:10 AM


SAT. APR. 16, 1910 58° - 38° Went to office in morning. Took Portia Geach to Boston Oyster House for Lunch. Pouring wet. After dinner attended Ex. Board Meeting at 40 E. Randolph St. SUNDAY 17 43° -36. Very cold & raw. Boiler room full of water - no heat on so I went to bed all day to escape the discomfort. Mrs Clay & Mrs Nourse came in during evening. MONDAY 18 Went to office after lunch took Portia Geach to Dr Rhodes & to afternoon tea at Field's.

SAT. APR. 16, 1910
58° - 38° Went to office in
morning. Took Portia Geach
to Boston Oyster House for
Lunch. Pouring wet. After
dinner attended Ex. Board
Meeting at 40 E. Randolph

43° -36. Very cold & raw.
Boiler room full of water -
no heat on so I went to bed
all day to escape the discomfort.
Mrs Clay & Mrs Nourse
came in during evening.

Went to office after lunch
took Portia Geach to Dr Rhodes
& to afternoon tea at Field's.


SAT. APR. 16, 1910 58° - 38° Went to office in morning. Took Portia Geach to Boston Oyster House for Lunch. Pouring wet. After dinner attended Ex. Board Meeting at 40 E. Randolph St. SUNDAY 17 43° -36. Very cold + raw. Boiler room full of water - no heat on so I went to bed all day to escape the discomfort. Mrs Clay + Mrs Nourse came in during evening. MONDAY 18 Went to office after lunch took Portia Geach to Dr Rhodes + to afternoon tea at Field's.

SAT. APR. 16, 1910
58° - 38° Went to office in
morning. Took Portia Geach
to Boston Oyster House for
Lunch. Pouring wet. After
dinner attended Ex. Board
Meeting at 40 E. Randolph

43° -36. Very cold + raw.
Boiler room full of water -
no heat on so I went to bed
all day to escape the discomfort.
Mrs Clay + Mrs Nourse
came in during evening.

Went to office after lunch
took Portia Geach to Dr Rhodes
+ to afternoon tea at Field's.