



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Rates of Postage

First-Class Matter ( Letters and sealed
packages)—2c. an oz

Second-Class (Newspapers and Periodicals)—
1c for 4 oz.

Third-Class (Books and Circulars)—1c.
for 2 oz.

Fourth Class (Merchandise)—1c. for 1 oz.

Registration Fee (Domestic and Foreign)

Special Delivery Stamp (addiitonal to
regular postage) 10c.

Postal Orders—Domestic (up to $100.00)
3 to 30c.

Foreign (up to $100.00) 8c. to $1.00

First Class—Letters and all other written
matter, excepting manuscript copy acompanying
proof-sheets, also all sealed
matter, 2 cents an ounce Postal cards 1
cent each.

Second Class—Newspapers and periodicals

Third Class—Books, printed matter,
proof-sheets and manuscript copy accompanying
same, valentines, heliotypes, not

Fourth Class—Merchandise, printed
matter in quanitity, blank books and
papers, all other matter not perishable or

Continued on the Back Waste Leaf.

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