


Status: Complete

December 1952

Tuesday 30

Started somewhat warm but soon turned grey & showery Ruby arrived at 11 with leg of lamb baked, Vienna loaf & the butter. I had apple & cream, caramel custard etc all ready. We had new potatoes & butter, salad of cucum & lettuce & tomatoes in mayonnaise & sweet pickled onions. Cherries & plums raw, muscatel raisins, almonds & walnuts & sweets & at afternoon tea, the lovely Technical College cake like a wedding cake iced with my name. We cut this in honor of Lena's birthday. Thelma & Uncle Gus & Geo got here about 11.30 - left at 4.15. Ruby at 5 I felt so lonely I cd weep & weep - the last of the old family. I read from the sketch about Dorothy Wilson (Pixies demand). Alex Sheppard telephoned.

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