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Remarks & I. Ulietea

[Left Margin] 1769 July

Island which has a little to the SEt. of it between 3 &4 Miles NWt. from this Isld. lies 2 other smaller Islands & in the same direction as the the reef of which they are apart between these 2 Islands is another Channell into the Harbour that is a full Quarter of a mile broad still further to the NWt. are some other small Islands where I am informed is another inlet, but this I did not see, but as to the other 2. We enter'd the Harbour by the one & came out by the other ~

The principal refreshments we have got here consists in Plantains, Cocoa nuts, some yams & a few Hogs & fowls this side of the Island is neither populous nor rich in produce. If compared to Georges Island or even Huaheine however here is no want of refreshments for a ship who may put in here & stay but a short time & wood & water may be got every were tho' the latter is not very convenient to come at ~

Wednesday 26th Winds at WbN&WbS. but very variable towards the latter part At 4 PM the North End of Ulietea S°75°Wt. distn. 2 Lg's & the S° end of Otaha N°77°Wt. about a League to the Northward of the S° end of Otaha on the East side of the Island a mile or more from the Shore lies 2 small islands; between these islands Tupia says there is a  Channell into a very good harbour which lies within the Reef & it had all the appearance of such keeps plying to Windward all night without getting any ground, at noon the Peak on Bolabola WbS. Lat.de obs.d° 16'. 2'6 S° ~

Friday 27th Variable light Airs of wind in the SWt. Quarter & fair wea.r seeing that there is a broad Channell between Otaha & Bolabola I intend to go through that way & not run to the Northward of all, but as the wind is right an end & very Variable with all we get little or no ground. Between 5 & 6 o'Clock PM as we were standing to the Northward we discover'd a small low Island lying NbWt. or NNW distn. 4 or 5 Leagues from Bolabola, this Island is called Tubai Tupia says it produces nothing, but a few Cocoa nuts, that there are only 3 Families live upon it, but that the people from these Islands resort thither to Catch fish, at Noon the peak of Bolabola bore N25°Wt & the N° end of Otaha N80°Wt distn. 3 Leagues Latitude observed 16: 38S° ~

Friday 28th Little windss & Variable between the SW & NW at 6AM being near the entrance of the Harbour which lies on the Eastside of Otaha before mention'd & finding that it might be examin'd without loosing time I sent away the Master in the Longboat with orders to sound the Harbour & if the wind did not shift in our favour to land upon the Island & to Trafick with the Natives for such refreshments as were to be got. Mr Banks & Dr Solander went along


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