Volume 2: Daily journal book, 30 September 1864-22 October 1870






Oct 15th Saturday Elizth Davies - not well give her salts. Mrs Speir went through the Refuge, advising them to lead a better life etc and left sewing for the inmates

16th Sunday Mr Curtis held service in the morn. in the afternoon Matron and inmates read every other verse. sang - and afterwards those who could not read were taught from spell. book. Emily Brown takes great delight in learning to read & sing. A brother in law of Margt Hogg called 10 clk morn & requested to see her. he was allowed a short interview in the presence of the Matron. he gave her £1. and advised her to abstain from drink and bad company (her two great faults) and then he would be a friend to her. she has given the £1. in charge of the Matron untill she gets a situation. All the inmates clean and orderly Elizth Davies much better & attended morn prayers & service - gave her arrowroot instead of tea this eve. Mr Adam Howitt held Evening service.

19th Monday Mrs Elizth [indecipherable]called to ask admission into the Refuge for her daughter. Mrs Deas Thompson advised her to see the com. tomorrow - the girl is 16 yrs old. A poor old woman beg? to have her daughter 18 yrs old addmit - she was instructd to see the com ladies. Lady Manning. visited the school. [A W?] Schofeild visited, and staid during eve service he said thank God for such a place for the fallen. I

Last edit almost 2 years ago by ros



Oct 17th Monday. am a father, I would like to be a subscriber" he gave £1.1.0 to the Matron as a first installment: advised an apeal to be sent to the papers, he was sure the weslayans, would advocate the cause free of charge and said he would try to get subscribers up the country were he was going. said he never knew before what the object of the Refuge was.

Oct 18th Teusday. Elizth Adelaide has not been well for some time, Dr. Nathan ordered her medicine, she is a very industrous, quiet woman and takes pleasure in scrubing floors etcbut not allowed by matron to scrub now because her legs swell. a young woman calld to solicit addmittance for her Mother, who was drunk and had just come out of jail, where she had been 6 months. the old creature was remonstrated with, and told what a new thing it was, to see a respectable daughter bring her fallen Mother! that it was weeping Mother's seeking a refuge for their daughters, that we were used too. told her to see the Ladies this eve.

Wednesday Oct. 19th. Matron out, by permission to see a sick daughter.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by MaryV



Oct. 20th matron returned 1/4 to 12 oclk. [o'clock] Thursday Maria Drew recommended by Mr Calwell was received untill [until] next com [committee] day -

A policeman brought a note from water police officer recommending Martha Slater as a proper object for admission. 19 yrs old. consented to receive her untill [until] tuesday com. [committee] - Mr Gully. Missionary brought Jane Miles, she is greatly ashamed - she is very dirty and ill clad. & a great bruise on her nose. through exposure, in wandering from her home. Annie Kirkby was brought in by her poor old Mother - and a brother. She has been living at a Mrs Riley's 70 Palmer St & "kept by a gentelman". dressed well and very fashionable - she is only 18 yrs old. Whilst assembeled [assembled] for eve. [evening] prayers at 8 oclk [o'clock] and reading alternate verses Elizth Davies escaped. through committee room window. a letter was sent to tell her mother.

Friday, 21st Mr Curtin was ask by Matron to send Potatoes, and she would pay for them. he replies, I will send you a bag - the price of which can be put to the funds of the Refuge.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Kayde


1864 Oct - 22nd Saturday Jane Miles - very poorly, gave her brimstone & cream of tartar and oil for her sore nose after the poultice. she suffers intence [intense] pain when leaning forward to sew.

23rd Sunday Hannah Slater suffering from pain in her side - Elizth Thompson & Jane Miles also laid up. - gave each some arrowroot and Castor Oil. Service both after'n [afternoon] & eve. [evening] Nelly & Annie Kirkby made their escape in the night

24th Monday. Nelly Burmingham came back this morn. [morning] at 9 oclk. [o'clock] said she went to look after her two boxes of clothes & was warned if ever she went away again, she would never get readmitted. - 8 oclk [o'clock] As we were singing the eve. hymn, after prayers, two girls asked admission into the Refuge - professed to be sorry that they had led so bad a life, and wished to reform. Bridget Dawson aged 21 yrs. Elizth Bradley aged 21 yrs. They were both led to the laundry to get a bath, which was much needed - told they would have to conform to rules, attend morn. & eve. prayers &c [etc]. they said they would be glad to - Elizth Bradley wept and seemed very penitant

Tuesday Ladies Com' 25th Mrs Hayes visited the inmates. Dr Nathan perscribed [presribed] for the sick.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Kayde


1864 Oct 26th Wednesday. Melinda had leave of absence to Rev T. Smith's school picnic. Jane Miles has been very industrious and well behaved,

Thursday Dr Nathan made the startling 27th announcement that Marg Lamb had the itch, & ordered sulphur Ointments warm bath, etc - since the Dr left I find Martha Slater has a rash also - gave her Brimston & treacle & a little cream of tartar in it. The two shall have their beds in a separate room by themselves

Friday Bridget Dawson has been very insolent, 28th this morn. charged Melinda with sending a man from the gate, that had called to see her - The matron read the 6th Rule "that inmates shall only see their friends on Tuesday.'

Saturday Most of the inmates work well, scoured 29th the house thouroughly - all the windows cleaned distributed 5 dresses, 4 shifts, 2 night Gowns & two petticoats. They are now keep themselves clean.

Sunday Service morn. and even. 30th two more of the girls it is feared have caught the infection. given them the same treatment as the others. Maria Drew walked out of her room in light muslin etc - & whilst Mr Howitt was preaching in the morn. she went out. after service the Matron sent Mrs Anderson to ask why she went out? she said ' who cares for the Matron -"

Monday 31st Mr Caldwell calld - to hear about M. Drew

Last edit almost 2 years ago by ros
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