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Status: Complete

year: 1935

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
Aug 13 33 133 17611 Anna Scott 60 F E 3 14 1st Rodney Dade-Fentress true
"[Aug] 13 34 131 17397 Johnson P. Brooks 37 M E 1 5 3rd Clara E. Ford false
"[Aug] 15 35 134 17699 Cornelia R. Falls 239 W. 135 St. - N.Y.C. 60 F Augusta Savage E 3 44 1st Duncan Bros. true
"[Aug] 16 36 135 17811 Emma Carpenter 48 F E 1 5 4th Wainwright & Son false
"[Aug] 17 37 136 17942 Gloria Evans 5 F E 1 14 4th Clara E. Ford false Easterly Corner
"[Aug] 19 38 137 18030 Laura Matthews 252 W. 149 St. - N.Y.C. 35 F John O. Matthews E 4 44 1st Rodney Dade-Fentress true
"[Aug] 21 39 138 5243 Resmay Harold 1246 Remsen Ave., Jamaica, LI 23 F E 2 4 1st Phillips Mortuary false
"[Aug] 30 40 139 18543 Anne Weston 60 F E 3 14 2nd Wainwright & Son true
"[Aug] 31 41 140 18729 Marvil Yarborough 18 F E 2 4 2nd Claudius P. Sterrett false
"[Aug] 31 42 141 18804 George B. Smith 129 W. 137 St. - N.Y.C. 44 M E 3 14 3rd Rodney Dade true
Sept 2 43 18807 Hiram Fowler 101 W. 130 St. - N.Y.C. 53 M Margaret Fowler E 5 43 1st Wainwright & Son true
"[Sept] 2 44 18905 James Cunningham 276 W. 128 St. - N.Y.C 76 M Nannie Beville E 4 45 1st Rodney Dade true
"[Sept] 3 45 142 7849 Charles Cooke 1004 Brook Ave. - N.Y.C. 75 M E 4 14 1st Wainwright & Son true
"[Sept] 6 46 143 19052 Emma Payor 73 F E 2 4 3rd Claudia P. Sterrett false
"[Sept] 9 47 19215 Clifford Holder 214 W. 148 St. - N.Y.C. 55 M Belle Holder E 5 44 1st Wainwright & Son true
"[Sept] 11 48 19470 Bessie Smallwood 42 F Clarence Powell E 6 42 1st Rodney Dade true
"[Sept] 12 49 144 19363 Edward Ward 52 M E 4 14 2nd Claudia P. Sterrett true
"[Sept] 14 50 8185 Willy May White 819 E. 166 St. - N.Y.C. 20 F Mary White E 7 42 1st Rodney Dade true
"[Sept] 17 51 145 19798 Edna Walker 36 F E 4 14 3rd Claudius P. Sterrett true
"[Sept] 20 52 146 19913 Samuel Lawrence 27 F E 5 14 1st Wainwright & Son true
"[Sept] 21 53 147 19991 Alice Hall 43 F E 5 14 2nd Wainwright & Son true
"[Sept] 28 54 20387 Nellie Carr 37 W. 138 St. - N.Y.C. 38 F Alice Woodson E 6 43 1st Wainwright & Son true
Oct 3 55 148 20669 Hattie Farrell 70 F E 2 4 4th N.B. Sterrett false
"[Oct] 4 56 149 20821 Louise Ruggsley 243 W. 130th St. - N.Y.C 68 M E 3 15 1st Edward Fentress false
"[Oct] 5 57 150 20902 Samuel Holmes 38 M Theodore Campbell E 5 14 3rd Wainwright & Son true
"[Oct] 5 58 20889 Ella Campbell 21 E. 118 St. - N.Y.C 24 F John Fields E 8 42 1st Rodney Dade true
"[Oct] 8 59 20964 Mamie Fields 2172 Fifth Ave. - N.Y.C 48 F E 7 43 1st Wainwright & Son true
"[Oct] 8 60 151 21150 Wilhelmina Rutledge 28 F E 3 15 2nd N.B. Sterrett false
"[Oct] 11 61 152 21339 Ernest Carpenter 3 M E 1 14 5th Wainwright & Son true Northerly Corner
"[Oct] 12 62 153 21365 Larry Chestnut 259 W. 131 St. - N.Y.C 52 M E 6 14 1st N.B. Sterrett true
"[Oct] 16 63 154 21703 Sidney Hall 37 F E 3 15 3rd Howell Funeral Home false
"[Oct] 18 64 155 21854 John J. Beverly 184 E. 101 St. - N.Y.C 76 M Ruth Robinson E 6 5 14 45 2nd 1st Wainwright & Son true Removed to Single Grave 45-5-E 10/22/35

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