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year: 1937

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
Apr.8 575 759 8945 Vernon Dixon X 9 X M E 7 18 4th Henry W. Payne true BabyGrave
[Apr]8 576 760 8986 Shirley Lockhart X X 28 F E 1 17 7th Lafayette Rogers true Baby Grave
[Apr]8 577 761 8720 Edward Stewart 50 M Blannie Stewart E 5 52 1st Henry Payne true
[Apr]8 578 761 8845 Charles Pender 35 West 130th Street 18 M E 2 6 2nd Turner Und. & Emb. Co. true
[Apr]9 579 8842 Clarence Matthews 45 M F 26 35 1st Turner Und. & Emb. Co. true $64. Church Section
[Apr]9 580 762 9082 Julius Lattimore 282 West 132nd Street 47 M E 2 6 3rd N.B. Sterrett false
[Apr]10 581 763 9196 Gertrude Bryant 3 F E 7 18 5th James L. Perkins true Baby Grave
[Apr]10 582 8899 Alonzo Nelson 41 M Eva Nelson E 15 12 1st Mickey Funeral Home true
[Apr]11 583 764 9054 Ardelia Lawrence 66 F E 1 9 2nd Rodney Dade true
[Apr]11 584 765 9185 Gloria L. Jenkins 2 F E 14 15 5th Lafayette Rogers false Baby Grave
[Apr]12 585 9217 Emma Thompson 400 Manhattan Avenue 81 F Ada Govan E 8 54 1st Rodney Dade true
[Apr]12 586 766 9289 Eddie Scruggs 37 M E 1 9 3rd Wainwright & Son true
[Apr]13 587 767 9443 Clarence Austin - - 17 M E 1 12 8th Edward Fentress true Baby Grave
[Apr]13 588 768 9296 Etta Washington Anderson 37 F E 10 11 1st Norman B. Sterrett true
[Apr]14 589 769 9299 Casper Wright 49 M E 10 11 2nd Perkins Mem. Chapel true
[Apr]15 590 9560 Gladys Ray 68 West 139 Street 42 F Julia Smith E 6 52 1st Carr Funeral Home true
[Apr]16 591 770 9700 Gloria Murray 5 1/2 F E 7 18 6th N.B. Sterrett false Baby Grave 5 1/2
[Apr]16 592 771 9424 Helen Copeland 55 West 140 Street 37 M E 3 6 1st Turner Und. & Emb. Co true
[Apr]16 593 772 9423 Edward William, Jr. 1 1 M E 14 15 6th Turner Und. & Emb. Co true
[Apr]16 594 Disinterment 12 Mamie Hynes Rozenia Hynes E 6 38 1st Robert Scott Jr. true
[Apr]17 595 9672 Ella Wilson 242 Bradhurst Avenue 71 F Celeste F. Evans C 52 1 Sub A 1st Henry W. Payne true
[Apr]17 596 9609 Earline Wiggs 19 F George Wiggs E 7 52 1st N.B. Sterrett true
[Apr]17 597 773 9740 Ida May Foster 5 F E 14 15 7th Clara E. Ford true
[Apr]18 598 774 4053 Edith Wilds 18 F E 10 11 3rd Le Garr & Kelsey true
[Apr]19 599 775 9805 Henry Patrick 48 M E 3 6 2nd Rodney Dade true
[Apr]21 600 4110 Willie C. Johnson 31 M? Turner Und. & Emb. Co. E 8 52 1st Turner Und. & Emb. Co. true
[Apr]21 601 776 9915 Sylvia Robinson 4 F E 7 18 7th Henry W. Payne true Baby grave
[Apr]21 602 777 10065 Ernestine Knight 50 F E 3 6 3rd Howell Funeral Church false
[Apr]23 603 10311 Claudia Reid 126 West 117 Street 42 F E 11 40 1st Littlejohn-Ingram true
[Apr]22 604 778 10173 Edward Johnson 112 West 117 Street 25 M E 2 9 1st Littlejohn-Ingram true
[Apr]23 605 779 4220 James White 31 M E 4 6 4th Wainwright & Son true
[Apr]24 606 780 4305 Ruby V. Mitchell 33 F E 2 9 2nd Howell Funeral Church false

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